Friday, November 4, 2011

"Cyberbullying" ABC Original Movie

Dear Readers,

So I just watched this movie on Netflix called "Cyberbullying". It's an ABC Original movie with two well known Disney stars: Emily Osment and Kay Panabaker. It's a powerful movie about a normal girl trying to get through her high school years. She was doing just fine until she starts being cyberbullied online, which spirals out of control . . . just like her life ends up doing. I went on a huge emotional rollercoaster while watching this movie, because I know what it's like to be in the main character's shoes. She got so bad at one point that she almost committed suicide, but her loved ones stopped her. I know how that feels. I know how almost exactly everything she went through feels. 

Then why do we let people get away with cyberbullying?? Why do we hide behind our fear and let things spiral out of control?? Why do we slip away and let their comments control us, eating away at us day and night?? Why do we silence ourselves?? Why don't we speak now??

The movie made a good point: not all Cyberbullies intentional became cyberbullies. One day they got angry, upset, and frustrated and decided to take it out on someone else on-line. A person they couldn't see face-to-face. It wasn't always the person's intention for the other's life to spin out of control. Yet it happens anyways. Again: why don't we speak now??

One of my favorite quotes of all time is this one:

"Real life is a funny thing, you know.
In real life, saying the right thing at the right
moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact,
that most of us start to hesitant for fear of
saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
But lately what I've begun to fear more than that
is letting the moment pass without saying
anything. I think you deserve to look back on
your life without this chorus of resounding voices
saying, 'I could've but it's too late now'. So
there's a time for silence, and there's a time for
waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel,
and you so clearly know what you need to say,
you'll know it. I don't think you should wait.
I think you should speak now." -Taylor Swift

I agree with Taylor Swift, I think you should speak now. Print out exactly what the person told you and then tell someone. Don't brush it under the rug like it doesn't matter and like you don't care, because if you would be honest with yourself you do care and it does hurt. I know because I've been there. And it was recent, just last month. Tell a trusted teacher, tell a Youth Group Leader, tell your parents, tell someone who will care and help you through it. A person who will do something about it, so that it won't keep happening over and over again. 

It may get worse before it gets better. Things may get pretty bad. But what do you have to lose?? Why don't you take that risk?? Why don't you SPEAK NOW??

Sincerely and Honestly,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Dear Readers,

       I've been thinking a lot lately about the people who hate me, my haterz. You know . . . those people who are really insecure, angry, jealous . . . the ones who decide that gossiping about you is the only way they can find that boosts their self esteem?? Well I used to be afraid of those kinds of people. Especially since some of them use to be my best friends . . . or so I thought. In reality, they never really were my friends to begin with, despite how much they seemed to help me. In the end, they did more harm than good. They hurt me more than they helped me. 

       When I realized who my haterz were, I'd avoid them, keep my head down, have my hair in my face, hardly speak, and seem ashamed. But why?? Why did I have to hide like it was my fault when all I did was love them and give them my best?? When I tried to be the best friend that I could be?? Why was I hiding my joy and my light?? Putting a basket over myself?? I did it because I didn't want the light in my life to expose the darkness in their lives. I didn't want the good things I was doing to make them feel bad for not acting the same. I didn't want to outshine them, cause them to feel less, or give them a reason to be jealous.

       But who did that end up helping in the end?? Me?? Them?? Nope, neither really. I stunted my talent growth, caused myself more emotional upheaval, and angered my true friends by acting like I was the one to blame when I did nothing wrong. And them?? They continued to try to bring me down and degrade me from afar. The jealousy, insecurity, and anger remained. So why continue to hide and stop myself from shining??

        What I learned is that I should live my life to the fullest, as best I can. I shouldn't let people hold me back. Especially people who will hate me regardless of what I do. Why let them control my emotions anymore?? It's not helping anyone!! 

        So I decided to go back to my hobbies that I enjoy doing so much. I picked my mic. back up. I started growing my talents again. I stopped being so scared of those haterz. I started focusing more on what I was going to do in my life and how I could better the people around me. It's so freeing and fulfilling. I feel like I'm doing a lot better. Those haterz still hate me, but why do I have to add to that by hurting myself more than they already have hurt me?? I don't. And I won't anymore.

Sincerely and Honestly,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

1st Blog Post: 180 Movie

Dear Readers,

     Hello!! Nice to meet you!! Welcome to my blog!! Okay, so it's pretty empty right now. But don't worry, I'm going to start filling it up. 

     So, since I'm bold about what I believe in, my first post is about Abortion. I'm Pro-Life. I watched this movie on Monday by Living Waters. It's called "180". It opens up asking people what they know about Hitler, and most of them didn't know anything about him at all!! Talk about a shocker!! But after they started getting into Hitler and the Holocaust, they paralleled the two (abortion and the Holocaust, that is).

     I've never thought about those two things and compared them before. They actually had a lot more in common than I would've imagined!! It really made me think. And I got some more good reasons to back up my beliefs. So if you have the time, energy, and curiosity, you should totally check this movie out. I REALLY learned a lot from it. 

And if you're Pro-Choice, I ask that you please be open minded and watch it anyways. Most of those people in the video were Pro-Choice as well. 

Here's the link:

Well, that's all for now!! Until next time, beautiful people!

Sincerely and Honestly,